Wedding Workout Show with WeddingShape author Joseph Arangio

Ready to hear information you can use to not only look beautiful on the outside, but feel magnificent inside too?  Joseph Arangio, author WeddingShape Diet and Fitness Guide for Brides, tells us that with sensible training, nutrition, quality sleep, and stress management strategies you can reshape your mind and body today and always.

This podcast is chock full of practical health and fitness advice.  Joe, certified strength and conditioning specialist, shares valuable diet and fitness secrets, talks about metabolism, explains why resistance training is the most effective way to sculpt muscle and fight cellulite, how to get the most out of your workouts, the golden rules of sleep, and phenomenal insider tips that will inspire you to stay healthy long after the honeymoon is over.

Like a successful marriage, good health requires careful planning, focused effort, and a lifelong commitment.  There are no short cuts.  Joe’s program would work for anyone looking to improve their shape and fitness.  After listening to Joe you will want to incorporate WeddingShape principles and enjoy a better quality of life from this day forward.

Click here to listen to the show

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Get WeddingShape Diet and Fitness Guide for Brides right here

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Category:Wedding Workout -- posted at: 5:50pm EDT

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