Fri, 20 April 2007
LoveCast Show #5 with Rev. Susanna Stefanachi Macomb - Celebrating Interfaith, Intercultural Marriages
Did you know that one third of all marriages today are interfaith and intercultural? Why are they on the rise? Rev. Susanna Stefanachi Macomb, ordained interfaith minister and author of Joining Hands and Hearts, will help you learn more about yourselves and each other. Find out what a couple needs to remember most when intermarrying. Reverend Susanna wants you to know that couples are not alone. She cites the interfaith motto: never instead of, always in addition to. She believes that with enough love, thought, care and respect you can bridge any issue. Most traditions can be celebrated in a universal way. How can you start the process of blending cultures? What is the difference between religious and spiritual? What rituals are important to you and not important to you? Are there different meanings and interpretations of rituals? Listen to this podcast and hear the answers to these questions and more. Get ready to jot down some important questions about yourselves then compare and discuss the answers with your fiance. How do you remain true to yourselves and still make your families happy? What are your parent's greatest fears? Rev. Susanna offers practical advice and guidance. Hear real stories about unions of different faith, colors and cultures. Respect is the foundation and love is the bridge. Rev. Susanna has terrific recommendations and creative solutions to help you structure an interfaith wedding ceremony. Click here to listen to the podcast
Visit Rev. Susanna's website here Wedding Podcast Network has the largest, most comprehensive selection of wedding planning podcasts. We are wedding talk radio at its best. |